Personal Edition
Professional Edition
Basic functions
1st window: Create an unlimited amount of records and link them to due dates, a status and notes
2nd window: Attach an unlimited amount of files to records.
3rd window: Create an unlimited amount of text/information and link to the records.
4th window: Unlimited amount of entries in the category tree.
the secret 5th window: Select files for easy transfer and linking.
3rd window for text & notes: notes for records
Sorting records and columns in the 1st window
Delete and cleare records in the 1st window
Filter options
AND Filter
OR Filter
Filter: records that are not linked to the category tree
Appointment options
Set due dates
2nd window attachments
Sorting attachments
traffic light for attachments
Memo field for attachments
Copy, insert and delete attachments
fixed configured
Start programs with paramters
Switch between languages
Other features
OLE funcktionality RTF field
Mail, tasks, contacts, due dates, create mailing lists in Outlook
Attach Lotus Notes links
General printing
Print text and memo fields
Print & export reports
Internal Links
Tree structure
Cut, copy & insert tree notes
Sort tree notes
Filter options (continued)
State definitions and state filter
Invert filter
Filter: Only show marked records
Multi filter (cascade)
"AF" Automatic Filter in tree
Create templates
Export (general)
Export of IDEA! Databases
Search attachments
Print reports
Print records
Print tree report
Print attachment report
Print table report
Additional filter
Due date filter
Search options
Full text search (in IDEA!)
Extended full text search (Index BS), Search content of files.
Copy, cut, insert and sort tree notes
Password protection
Configurable, flexible alternate path for linking IDEA! databases and files
map option for working in different environments
Report generator for reports, create PDF
Import and Export (continued)
Export Manager
Stand Alone Archiving for users without IDEA! license on the pc
Data import form Excel
Import of IDEA! databases
Export of IDEA! Databases
Mail Import (Outlook or Lotus Notes)
Mail Export (Outlook or Lotus Notes)
Integration of Outlook fodlers, Mail, Contacts, due dates, tasks, notes
Combination of import and export with mailintegration
Changeable memo template for 3rd window
Databases and network
Multi user
User management
Catalog of databases
Multi databases (simultaneous working on mulitple databases )
Import from Personal and Professional Edition
Export to Personal Edition and Professional Edition
Data stored in an SQL DB
Offline Client